A tragic incident occurred in Kotha Malluru, a village in Mangapet Mandal of Mulugu district. On Sunday afternoon, the house of a couple, Rebba Ramulu and his wife Rama, was completely destroyed by a fire. The fire was caused by an electrical short circuit.
The fire quickly consumed the entire house, turning valuable belongings and over one lakh rupees in cash into ashes. The incident happened while the whole village was celebrating the Bonalu festival.
At the time of the fire, Rama was participating in the festival and offering prayers at the village deity along with other women. Her husband, Ramulu, was out working on motor chain block maintenance. Despite the villagers’ best efforts, they were unable to control the fire.
The family has estimated a loss of around 5 lakhs. All their valuable possessions, including gold, silver, clothing, and kitchen items, were completely destroyed. The family is now left with nothing but the clothes they were wearing at the time.
Villagers have expressed their sorrow and have urged the government to provide support to the distressed family.