Authorities have started demolishing N Convention, a facility owned by senior Tollywood actor Nagarjuna, in Madhapur. The demolition is being carried out due to allegations that the convention center was built illegally on the Tummidikunta pond area.
The demolition began on Saturday morning, causing significant traffic disruptions in the area. Police have blocked all roads leading to the convention center, which has made it difficult for vehicles to move. The media was also restricted from covering the demolition as barricades were set up to prevent journalists from getting close.
N Convention has been facing accusations for a long time, with claims that it was built within the Flood Level Line (FTL) and is occupying around ten acres of land. Reports say that about three and a half acres of the pond area have been encroached upon by the facility. Although there were earlier announcements about taking action against such structures, this is the first time any measures have been implemented.