In Hyderabad, KT Rama Rao, the working president of BRS, demanded an explanation from the government about how they plan to waive Rs 2 lakh in loans with only Rs 17,900 crore. He pointed out that the previous loan waiver of Rs 1 lakh had cost the BRS government Rs 17,000 crore.
Rama Rao accused the Congress party of misleading farmers with their promise of a Rs 2 lakh loan waiver. He recalled that Chief Minister Revanth Reddy had encouraged farmers to take loans, promising they would be waived off. However, eight months after coming to power, many farmers are now facing restrictions and conditions.
Rao criticized the Congress, stating that the current loan waiver plan proves the party is deceiving farmers. He added that Telangana farmers would not forgive a Chief Minister who misled them about loan waivers.
Rama Rao expressed concern that the farmers who do not receive a loan waiver might protest. He questioned whether today’s loan waiver would disqualify half of the farmers from receiving benefits.