In Hyderabad, a special initiative was launched on Independence Day to enhance the safety of women and children in public areas, specifically focusing on shopping malls. This program aims to inspect and remove any hidden or spy cameras that may compromise privacy.
The city police teamed up with the Education Department and students from the National Service Scheme (NSS) to carry out these inspections. The inspection teams are composed of female professionals who are tasked with checking for hidden cameras in female changing rooms, washrooms, and toilets. If no such cameras are found, the place is declared safe. These checks will be conducted randomly and periodically in both large and small shopping areas.
The program will continue until all malls and shops have been inspected and deemed free of spy cameras, ensuring a secure environment for women and children. As a part of this initiative, participating NSS students will receive credits in their hourly bank accounts. The program was officially inaugurated by City Police Commissioner Kothakota Srinivasa Reddy and Burra Venkatesham, Principal Secretary of Education.
During the event, Sreenivasa Reddy emphasized the legal measures in place to protect citizens’ privacy, while Venkatesham spoke about the importance of educational institutions in raising awareness about such crucial issues. The event featured a flash mob and dance performances that engaged the audience and reinforced the message of vigilance and safety.
This initiative marks a significant step toward ensuring the safety and privacy of citizens in public spaces. The event was attended by NSS volunteers, Education Department officials Udaya Sri and Kalyani, SHE teams, NGOs, and technical teams specializing in spy camera detection.