Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has made a request to Union Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya. He asked for permission to allow Telangana to host major sports events, such as the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games. Reddy pointed out that the state already has the necessary facilities to handle these events.
During a meeting on Friday evening, Reddy was joined by Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka and State Minister Jupally Krishna Rao. Together, they suggested that Hyderabad should be chosen as the host city for the Khelo India Youth Games in January 2025. Additionally, Reddy proposed the establishment of a sports university in the state to help nurture young athletes.
Reddy also asked the central government for financial help to support the sports university. He requested more funds under the Khelo India scheme to enhance the sports infrastructure in Telangana. Specifically, he highlighted the need to upgrade various sports venues, including the GMC Balayogi Stadium in Gachibowli, the shooting range at the University of Hyderabad, LB Stadium, the Sports School in Hakimpet, and the indoor stadium in Saroornagar.
The Chief Minister urged the Union Minister to approve the plans for these upgrades to further improve the sports facilities in the state.