Hyderabad police have taken action against a YouTuber named Harsha for his recent activities on the city’s streets. The Sanathnagar Police Station received a complaint from traffic police, leading to a case being registered against Harsha. He was accused of causing a public disturbance by throwing money on the roads. In addition, the Cyberabad Police registered another case against him at the KPHB station for rash driving, traffic violations, and creating a public nuisance.
Harsha, who is also a social media influencer, was seen throwing money into the air on Hyderabad’s main roads. Afterward, he performed stunts on his bike. Videos of these actions went viral on social media, catching the public’s attention. When Harsha threw the money, crowds rushed to collect it, which caused traffic disruptions. Although the videos were uploaded a month ago, they have recently gained widespread attention. Many people online expressed their displeasure, and some even complained to the police about Harsha’s reckless behavior.
In response to the viral videos and the cases filed against him, Harsha defended his actions. He said that he has helped many people with large sums of money and asked others not to portray him in a negative light. He claimed that some individuals are deliberately trying to damage his reputation. Harsha mentioned that he has never publicized his charitable acts before, but now feels the need to do so. He posted a video with his statement on his social media accounts, which has received mixed reactions from the public.
The different perspectives on the situation have led to an online debate. Many people are questioning Harsha’s motivations and whether his behavior in public spaces was appropriate. This incident highlights the growing influence of social media and the potential consequences of actions taken for online fame.