RANGAREDDY: Prominent Telugu actor Naresh’s abode in Nanakramguda and his caravan conveyance along with not the same vehicles in the surroundings weredamaged on Sunday by unidentified persons. Immediately, Naresh along with his PA Kumar Goud lodged a complaint with the Gachibowli police about the event.
Naresh expressed distrust that his spouse Ramya Raghupathi was behind the attack physically or emotionally. He alleged that the attack physically or emotionally took grade on him shortly after he reached domicile. Apart from this, the CCTV footage has also been handed over to the police.
Meanwhile, it is known that there is an ongoing rift between actor Naresh and his spouse Ramya Raghupathi. Even earlier, there were occasions when both clashed openly. In this serial arrangement, the attack physically or emotionally on Naresh’s home caused a commotion.