Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot spoke to reporters on Monday and said that the media should not create fights between people. He said that the Congress’ election campaign in Rajasthan will focus on the schemes and programs launched by his government. Gehlot is currently in a tussle with his former deputy Sachin Pilot over leadership. The two have been at odds over the chief minister’s post since the Congress formed the government in Rajasthan in December 2018.
Pilot recently held a day-long fast and accused the state government of not taking action against alleged corruption during the tenure of the BJP regime led by Vasundhara Raje, as promised before the 2018 assembly polls. Gehlot did not offer a direct reaction to Pilot’s claims. Instead, he said that the media should stick to the truth and facts and not cause fights between people.
Gehlot wants the media to run based on truth and see the interest of the public. He praised his government for its excellent fiscal management and steps to not impose any tax. He said that in the upcoming assembly elections, the Congress’ campaign will focus on the schemes of his dispensation. Despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah taking part in big road shows and spending money to win elections, Gehlot believes that his party will win based on their government’s work.
The assembly elections in Rajasthan are scheduled for later this year.