Bhatti Vikramarkha, leader of the Congress Legislature Party, spoke to the media during his 38th day of walking in Kamalapurmandal, Hanumakonda district. Bhatti accused the BRS government of betraying the people of Telangana who fought for statehood. He claimed that the government led by K Chandrashekhar Rao, also known as KCR, had made fun of the people’s aspirations. KCR, who promised to turn the state into “Bangaru Telangana,” instead put it into a debt trap. The ruling party leaders are exploiting the state’s wealth, leaving the people in misery, Bhatti said.
Bhatti argued that former minister Eatala Rajender’s allegations that BRS gave Rs 25 crores to Congress in the Munugode by-election were a political game to divert public attention from the real issues. He criticized the BJP for projecting its style of buying votes on the Congress Party and accused them of creating drama to divert attention from public issues. He also stated that the BRS MLC P Kaushik Reddy, who defected from Congress, has no moral right to criticize the party that gave him political life.
Bhatti further claimed that the midnight arrest of State BJP leader Bandi Sanjay was part of a game to suppress real issues in the state. He criticized both BJP and BRS for creating hype for their political benefit and deceiving people. Bhatti also highlighted the issue of unseasonal rains damaging crops and called for compensation from the government.
Bhatti promised that if Congress came to power, it would make BRS leaders surrender their ill-gotten wealth and conduct a detailed inquiry into their corruption. He also pledged to announce a TSPSC job calendar every year, conduct recruitment in a transparent process, and provide unemployment dole. Bhatti asserted that the development of Telangana would only be possible under the Indiramma government.
The Hanumakonda DCC President Naini Rajender Reddy, Kavvampalli Satyanarayana, former MPs Ponnam Prabhakar, Siricilla Rajaiah, and Balmuri Venkat were present during Bhatti’s speech.