The arrest of Bandi Sanjay, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from Karimnagar constituency in Telangana, has created a stir in the state. Sanjay was arrested on June 16, 2021, for allegedly making provocative statements during a public meeting in Warangal. The arrest was made under Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deals with promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc. However, what followed the arrest was even more shocking. A BJP lawyer allegedly threatened Warangal Commissioner of Police (CP) with dire consequences if Sanjay was not released immediately.
The BJP lawyer, identified as Raghunandan Rao, reportedly called up Warangal CP Tarun Joshi and threatened him with war if Sanjay was not released within an hour. In a video that has gone viral on social media, Rao is heard saying, “You have arrested our MP. If he is not released within one hour, there will be a war. We will see how you can stop us.” The video has sparked outrage among the public, with many condemning the lawyer’s behavior and demanding strict action against him.
The incident has once again highlighted the growing trend of politicians and their supporters resorting to threats and intimidation to get their way. It is a dangerous trend that undermines the rule of law and democratic values. The police must be allowed to do their job without any interference or pressure from any quarter. The BJP leadership must also take strict action against any of its members who indulge in such behavior. The party cannot claim to be a champion of democracy and the rule of law if its members resort to threats and violence to further their political agenda.