The BJP leader, Namburi Ramalingeswara Rao, has demanded the immediate cancellation of the defective Dharani portal and the implementation of a loan waiver of Rs 1 lakh with interest for farmers. In response to this demand, a large protest and dharna were organized by BJP leaders and farmers at Matiyala highway in Kalluru Mandal.
During the protest, traffic on the road was heavily affected, and the police intervened by arresting party leaders and dispersing the protesters. Namburi Ramalingeswara Rao, speaking to the media, questioned why the Fasal Bima Yojana scheme had not been implemented in the state and demanded its immediate implementation, along with the loan waiver interest for farmers.
He also called for the cancellation of the Dharani portal, which has caused significant losses for farmers. A memorandum highlighting the issues faced by farmers was submitted to the RDO office. The protest saw the participation of various leaders, including Kisan Morcha District Vice President Eori Nageswara Rao, Bhimireddy Balakrishna Reddy, Amanamanchi Krishnamohan, Bhaskarni Veeramraju, and others.