The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leaders are planning to hold ‘AtmeeyaSammelans’ over the next month, starting after the Ugadi festival. During these events, they will inform party members about the alleged vendetta politics of the BJP government against Telangana and read out a statement from Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. The CM expressed confidence that the party would return to power again.
The BRS chief highlighted the party’s struggle over the last two decades and the importance of going national. He also mentioned how Telangana transformed from a drought-hit region to a green state. However, he noted that while Telangana was flourishing, the country was lagging behind. Even after 75 years of independence, millions of people still lack drinking water and food. Meanwhile, countries like China, Singapore, and South Korea are achieving remarkable progress.
The BRS chief criticized both the Congress and BJP for lacking vision to rule the country. Therefore, the party was renamed Bharat Rashtra Samithi with a new agenda. The chief asserted that the people of Telangana would never abandon BRS and that the party would return to power again.