The Centre has asked the State government to set up a Hospital Pre-Authorisation Committee to monitor and regulate antibiotic usage. The Director General of Health Services (DGHS) wrote a letter to State health secretaries about the need to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by ensuring judicious use of antibiotics.
AMR is a global health threat caused by irrational antibiotic use. To tackle this issue, hospitals need to establish mechanisms for monitoring and regulating antibiotic usage. The DGHS suggested forming a Hospital Pre-Authorization Committee to review and approve requests for specific antibiotics, ensuring they align with guidelines.
Doctors should conduct regular audits to evaluate antibiotic prescribing patterns and trends within their institution. This will help identify areas for improvement and track progress in antimicrobial stewardship efforts. Antibiotics under strict stewardship criteria may include broad-spectrum usage, newer agents, and drugs with a high incidence of adverse reactions.
Implementing these measures can help combat AMR and promote responsible antibiotic use. It will also improve patient outcomes, reduce adverse drug reactions, and preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics for future generations.