Hyderabad: Cyberabad Police Commissioner Avinash Mohanty has suspended six police officials, including the Detective Inspector of Shadnagar police station. These suspensions were due to allegations of torturing a woman during an inquiry into a theft case.
The officials suspended include Detective Inspector Ramireddy and five constables. Commissioner Mohanty stated that further departmental actions would be taken following these suspensions.
An inquiry was ordered on Sunday after the incident became public. The alleged incident occurred on July 28. Sunitha, a 35-year-old woman, and her husband Bheemaiah were called to the Shadnagar police station regarding a theft case. During their visit, Sunitha was reportedly tortured by the police officials on duty.
This alleged torture happened in front of Sunitha’s 13-year-old son. Sunitha made her allegations public on Sunday, resulting in the immediate suspension of Detective Inspector Ramireddy and the initiation of an official inquiry into the complaint.