BJP leaders in Rangareddy are demanding justice for a deceased laborer named Pasam Suresh. Suresh committed suicide on Sunday due to alleged harassment from HR manager Ravikumar at the Wavin industry in the Kothur Industrial Estate. The BJP leaders, including Nelli Srivardhan Reddy, Mithun Reddy, Dr. T. Vijay Kumar, Palamuru Vishnuvardhan Reddy, Depalli Ashok Goud, and Narasimha, protested at the Wavin industry on Monday to demand changes in the treatment of workers by industrial estate owners. They are also demanding a judicial inquiry into the incident and an ex-gratia payment of Rs. 25 lakh to be made to Suresh’s family.
Srivardhan Reddy stated that the management should not interfere with the workers’ lives and accused them of removing local youth from employment. He warned against the lack of employment opportunities for locals in the area and emphasised that such labor suicides should not happen again in the industrial area. The BJP leaders also demanded that the management provide financial support to Suresh’s family.
Other BJP leaders, including Nagaraju Chari, Randhir Goud, Akula Pradeep, Shyam Sundar Reddy, Beri Sreenu, Mahesh, and Jagan Sudhakar Reddy, were also present at the protest.