Monday, June 17, 2024
    HomeSportsEngland Wicketkeeper Batter Sam Billings Opens Up About His Struggle With Skin...

    England Wicketkeeper Batter Sam Billings Opens Up About His Struggle With Skin Cancer

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    England cricketer Sam Billings recently revealed that he battled with skin cancer last year. He underwent two surgeries to remove a malignant melanoma from his chest. Billings wants to raise awareness among his fellow players about the dangers of sun exposure. He was diagnosed with the disease following a routine screening at his county Kent. Billings said that his experience has given him a new perspective on life and he wants to encourage others to take care of themselves.

    He also warned against spending too much time in the sun, not just for professional players but also for club cricketers and fans. Billings believes that education about sun protection needs to be improved and that everyone in cricket should work together to protect themselves. He hopes that his story will inspire others to take action before it’s too late.

    Also read:  Pawan Kalyan named Deputy Chief Minister, Vangalapudi Anitha assigned Home Ministry, Nara Lokesh to lead IT sector in Andhra Pradesh
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    Rajesh M
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