The Karkhana Police recently received non-bailable warrants against four individuals: Arman Alam, Akshay Chandra Shekar Surya Vamshi, Deepak Yadav, and Bommakanti Pradeep Goud. These warrants were related to a criminal case from 2019. To execute these warrants, special police teams were formed.
On August 12, 2024, the Station House Officer (SHO) of Karkhana Police Station investigated the case’s sureties and discovered that a known offender, Baghya Raj, was involved. With information gathered from Baghya Raj, the police located and arrested Arman Alam and Deepak Yadav in Dwarakapuri Colony, Qutbullapur. They also found out that Bommakanti Pradeep Goud was already in jail for a different case and that Akshay Chandra Shekar Surya Vamshi had passed away due to health issues.
The arrested individuals were living on footpaths near the Secunderabad Clock Tower. During questioning, Arman Alam admitted his involvement in several crimes, including cases from 2015 to 2023. He revealed his true identity and family background, stating that he left his home in Maharashtra at the age of 12. With the help of Aheri Police, his family was contacted, and they were reunited with him after 12 years.
Deepak Yadav, another arrested individual, was involved in several theft cases dating back to 2018. Similarly, Bommakanti Pradeep Goud had a long history of criminal activities, with cases registered against him from 2012 to 2022.
The Karkhana Police’s efforts, under the supervision of Dr. P. Ashok, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, and V. Ramakrishna, SHO, were praised by the Hyderabad City Police Commissioner. The successful execution of the warrants and the reunion of Arman Alam with his family after 12 years was a significant achievement for the police team.
This operation was led by a dedicated team from Karkhana Police Station, including Sri. CB Ravi Kumar, Sri. Ch. Ramesh Kumar, Sri. B. Rajesh, and Sri. P. Naveen Kumar, with commendations from Ms. S Rashmi Perumal, Deputy Commissioner of Police, North Zone, Hyderabad.