A large protest took place today on the interstate highway in Gattu Mandal, located in Jogulamba Gadwal district. The protesters were demanding a loan waiver of Rs. 2 lakhs for all farmers in the Gadwal constituency. They want this waiver to be given without any restrictions. The protest was led by Smt. Basu Shyamala and Hanumantu Naidu, who stressed the urgent need for financial relief for farmers who are struggling with debt.
After protesting on the highway, the group moved to the Gattu Mandal MRO office. There, they handed over a memorandum to the MRO, repeating their demand for the loan waiver.
Before heading to the MRO office, Smt. Basu Shyamala and the protesters performed a milk abhishekam, a ceremonial offering, at the statue of Telangana Talli. They did this to condemn the inappropriate remarks made by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy towards Telangana Talli.
Many local leaders and party workers joined the protest. Participants included S. Ramu, Raju Naidu, Basu Gopal, Nalla Gattu Ramu, TRS Venkatesh, Rayapuram Veeresh, Basu Bojjayya, Rajagopal, and others from various villages.