Hyderabad: As Hyderabad prepares for the upcoming Ganesh Chaturthi and Milad-un-Nabi festivals, City Police Commissioner Kothakota Sreenivas Reddy held a meeting on Monday with all sub-inspectors of police, including those from law and order and traffic departments. He emphasized the importance of ensuring the peaceful conduct of these festivals.
The meeting took place at the Integrated Command and Control Centre. During the discussion, Commissioner Reddy instructed the police to follow certain established practices such as punctuality, honesty, strong work ethics, and showing empathy towards the public. He also stressed the need for improving the department’s image by prioritizing the concerns of citizens.
Reddy encouraged the officers by highlighting the potential for career growth, stating that dedication and hard work could lead many of them to achieve higher ranks, possibly even becoming SP or IPS officers. He pointed out that sub-inspectors play a crucial role in policing and urged them to manage their time effectively, prioritize their work, and focus on all areas including crime prevention, bandobast duties, VVIP visits, and daily station activities.
The Commissioner also advised police officials to be actively involved in all aspects of the Ganesh and Milad-un-Nabi festivals. He called for close coordination with festival organizers, peace committees, and other departments to ensure smooth and secure celebrations. He asked the police to visit pandals and immersion sites to make sure that all arrangements are foolproof, as the police are responsible for leading the efforts to ensure a peaceful and successful festival bandobast.
The meeting was attended by several high-ranking officials including Vikram Singh Mann, Additional CP (Law & Order), P Viswa Prasad, Additional CP (Traffic), Dr. Gajarao Bhupal, Joint CP (Admin), Shilpavalli, DCP, SMIT, S Chaitanya Kumar, DCP, SB, along with about 300 sub-inspectors from law and order and traffic departments.