Hyderabad: On Monday, the Hyderabad traffic police held a traffic awareness event at St. Francis Degree College for Women in Kundanbagh. The session was led by ACP Traffic Training Institute, Begumpet, G Shankar Raju, who spoke to the students about road safety and traffic regulations.
The police used a PowerPoint presentation to educate the students on important road safety measures and traffic rules. They explained the necessary precautions to take when crossing roads, walking along streets, and observing pedestrian signals. More than 100 students, along with teachers and staff, attended the event.
During the session, students learned about the dangers of speeding, taking wrong routes, jumping traffic signals, using mobile phones while driving, and riding with more than two people on a two-wheeler. The importance of having a valid driving license and following traffic signals was also stressed.
The officials highlighted the need to use zebra crossings and walk on footpaths when on the road. They also advised the use of helmets for both the rider and the pillion passenger. They warned that driving without a license could result in a fine of up to Rs 5,000 and three months of imprisonment.
To reinforce their learning, a traffic mock drill was conducted, and students were given more information about traffic signals.