In Hyderabad, a group of BJPLP MLAs, including leaders like Alleti Maheshwar Reddy, AVN Reddy, Rama Rao Patil, and Harish Babu, visited the Sunkishala project site on Tuesday. They were concerned about reports indicating partial damage to the project.
After inspecting the site, the BJPLP leader expressed dissatisfaction with the State government’s and the Minister’s silence regarding the incident. He questioned whether this silence was due to protecting the construction company for potential commissions.
The leader pointed out that a preliminary report from the water board blamed the contracting company. He criticized the government’s inaction, questioning why they hadn’t filed cases against the contractor for negligence. The BJPLP demanded a report from a three-member engineers committee, which had been constituted by the water board, to investigate the incident.
They also challenged how State Ministers Uttam Kumar Reddy and Tummala Nageswara Rao could downplay the incident’s risk without a full report. The group questioned whether the ministers were supporting the contracting company.
The BJPLP leader reminded everyone that Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy had previously accused Megha Engineering of poor-quality work and promised an investigation. They questioned why the Chief Minister had not yet responded to this incident and why no minister had reviewed the situation. They speculated whether the ministers were waiting for permission from the contracting company.
Lastly, the BJPLP MLAs asked why the government hadn’t blacklisted the company, which faces multiple allegations of substandard work, including issues in the Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Project.