The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) is taking special steps to keep drinking water safe during the rainy season. They have formed a special committee made up of senior officials to monitor areas in the city and along the Outer Ring Road (ORR) where water tends to collect, overflow, or get polluted.
On Tuesday, HMWSSB Managing Director Ashok Reddy visited several localities to check on the situation. He mentioned that the Water Board, through the special committee, is making sure there is enough chlorine in the drinking water to keep it safe.
To achieve this, the department has introduced a three-step chlorination process. First, chlorination is done at the Water Treatment Plants (WTP). Next, it’s carried out at the Main Balancing Reservoirs (MBR). Finally, a booster chlorination is performed at the service reservoirs. The goal is to maintain exactly 0.5 ppm of chlorine in the water supplied to households.
The Water Board is being extra careful when supplying water to slums, flood-affected areas, and low-lying regions of the city. They are taking strong measures to make sure contaminated water doesn’t reach these vulnerable areas. As part of these efforts, 8.80 lakh chlorine tablets have been distributed to residents in these zones.
Moreover, residents are being taught how to purify their water using these chlorine tablets.
HMWSSB officials are also advising the public not to open manhole lids for any reason. If a manhole cover is broken or left open, residents should immediately report it by contacting customer care at 155313. This number can also be used for other concerns, such as issues related to contaminated water.