Minister Ponnam Prabhakar recently visited Saidapur in the Husnabad Constituency. During his visit on Saturday, he stopped to talk with women involved in agricultural work, specifically those planting paddy.
The Minister discussed the government’s plan to implement a loan waiver of Rs 2 lakhs. He asked the farmers if they had received the Rs 1.50 lakh waiver already promised. The women confirmed that they had benefited from this scheme.
One of the farmers, Saroja, shared that since the Congress government took office, women have been enjoying free travel on RTC buses. This has allowed them to travel to other villages for work, helping them save money.
The women farmers also requested that the Minister provide them with ration cards and houses. He assured them that new ration cards would be issued soon and that Indiramma houses would be made available.
In conclusion, Minister Ponnam encouraged the farmers to cultivate profitable crops to increase their income.