In Bellampalli town, former workers of Singareni and their families organized a protest on Saturday. The protestors came from Bellampalli Basti, Kannala Basti, and Budidagadda Basti. They gathered in front of the old General Manager’s office to express their frustration.
The protest was sparked by a sudden power cut imposed by Singareni officials. This unexpected power outage caused significant difficulties for the families over the last three days. The protestors demanded the immediate restoration of electricity. They were upset that the power was cut without any prior notice and felt this was unfair, given their 40 years of service to Singareni.
During the protest, INTUC leaders Siddam Chetti Rajamogili and Suri Babu spoke to the crowd. They accused Singareni officials of cutting off the power to embarrass the Congress government. However, MLA Gaddam Vinod intervened and initiated discussions with Singareni officials. As a result, an agreement was reached to restore the power supply.