IT Minister D Sridhar Babu has asked officials to warn people living in low-lying areas of Peddapalli district. This is because excess water from the overflowing Ellampalli project is being released downstream.
On Tuesday, Sridhar Babu, along with Ramagundam MLA Raj Thakur Makkan Singh, Peddapally Collector Koya Sri Harsha, and Mancherial District Collector Kumar Deepak, inspected the Ellampalli project. The minister explained that due to heavy rains in the upper areas, the Ellampalli project is filling up quickly. He emphasized the need for officials to be on high alert to prevent any harm to the people living in areas that may be flooded.
During the visit, Sridhar Babu checked the amount of water flowing into and out of the Ellampalli project. He instructed officials to lift 33 gates to release water downstream. This action is necessary because of the large amount of floodwater coming from the SRSP and Kadem projects into Ellampally.
The minister urged authorities to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of the people. He also stressed the importance of coordination among the Revenue Police, Municipal, and Irrigation Department officials, especially during this flood situation.