Kagaznagar: On Wednesday, Sirpur MLA Dr. Palvai Harish Babu visited a protest camp set up by municipal sanitation workers. This camp is located in front of the municipal office in Kagaznagar.
The sanitation workers have been on a hunger strike for 21 days. They are demanding the payment of their overdue wages, as well as their ESI and PF dues.
During his visit, Dr. Harish Babu spoke with the workers. He promised to bring their concerns to the attention of the authorities. He also warned that he would join their hunger strike if the issue was not resolved.
The workers asked for their overdue payments to be made immediately. They also urged the MLA to advocate for them with the authorities. In response, Dr. Harish Babu called Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration VP Goutham. He explained the situation and asked for a quick resolution to the workers’ demands.