Saturday, June 1, 2024
    HomeNationalNewsClick dismisses allegations as baseless

    NewsClick dismisses allegations as baseless

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    The NewsClick portal has denied the allegations made against it in a Delhi Police FIR and stated that these allegations are an attempt to suppress the free press in India. The FIR, filed under the anti-terror law UAPA, claims that NewsClick received a large amount of funds from China to disrupt India’s sovereignty as part of a criminal conspiracy. The Delhi Police served a copy of the FIR to the portal.

    In response, NewsClick released a statement saying that they have not received any funding or instructions from China. They also clarified that they have never promoted violence, secession, or any illegal activities. They believe that their coverage, which is available online, supports their claims. NewsClick expressed their confidence in the country’s judicial system and expects their position to be justified.

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    Furthermore, on Monday, NewsClick’s founder and editor-in-chief, Prabir Purkayastha, and its HR head, Amit Chakravarty, were arrested by the Delhi Police after conducting raids at multiple locations related to the portal and its journalists.

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