The BRS party is starting youth meetings in June to talk about how the BJP government has been unfair to them. The party’s working president, KT Rama Rao, spoke to the media about how the Centre has not given young people opportunities for education. The meetings will start in June, but the party will also celebrate International Labour Day on May 1. They want to show how the government is privatizing public sector units and causing high inflation. The Centre is also making the State governments import coal from foreign countries, which could raise electricity prices. The party wants to explain to people how the Centre’s policies are hurting them.
Rao thinks that if people understand what’s going on, they will see that the Centre is taking anti-people policies. He thinks that the Centre is helping their corporate friends more than regular people. On May 15, there will be a ground-breaking ceremony for Foxconn. When asked about former Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, Rao did not comment.