Hyderabad: In a recent operation, the Rachakonda Special Operations Team (SOT) and the Yacharam police caught two interstate drug peddlers who were involved in transporting ganja. The police recovered 60 kilograms of ganja from them.
The arrested individuals were identified as Korra Babu Rao, also known as Srinu, aged 25, and Burundi Kameshwar Rao, aged 33. Both are from Andhra Pradesh. Several other suspects, including Shaik Masthan Wali, Duddu Malleshwar Rao (alias Satish), and Girish, managed to escape. The police also seized two mobile phones and a car, with all the seized items valued at Rs 25 lakh.
According to the police, Korra Babu Rao and Kameshwar Rao had been selling small quantities of ganja to make quick money. They were contacted by Girish, who lives in Bengaluru and is also involved in selling ganja. Girish asked them to supply 60 kilograms of ganja, offering to pay Rs 10,000 per kilogram. The duo agreed to the deal.
On August 21, Korra Babu Rao, Kameshwar Rao, Masthan, and Malleshwar traveled to Vemulapudi village in a car. They bought the ganja by paying Rs 3 lakh.
On Thursday, based on reliable information, the SOT team stopped a car at the Mall inter-district check post in Yacharam Mandal, Rangareddy district. They apprehended Korra Babu Rao and Kameshwar Rao and seized the ganja from them.
The other suspects managed to escape. The police are working to catch the remaining accused and are continuing their efforts to track down the main suppliers and buyers involved in the drug network.