Hyderabad: BJP State official spokesperson, Dr. Sonanki Srinivas, accused the Congress party of abandoning the governance of the State and leaving the people in a difficult situation.
During a media address on Friday, Dr. Srinivas criticized the BRS party, stating that it has ruled the State for 10 years, plagued by corruption and family dominance. He argued that although the Congress has won in terms of votes and seats, the actual support of the people lies with the BJP. He expressed concern that the Congress is following in the footsteps of the BRS. According to him, there is little difference between the actions of BRS ministers and those of Congress ministers.
Dr. Srinivas pointed out that the Congress party launched a campaign called “Congress for Change” before the State Assembly elections. However, he claimed that the current situation in the state is far from what the party promised, leaving the hopes of the people unfulfilled.
Instead of fulfilling its promises, Dr. Srinivas said that the Congress is trying to distract from its failures by creating controversies and erecting new statues. He specifically mentioned the installation of a Rajiv Gandhi statue in front of the State Secretariat, calling it a tactic to divert the attention of the public.
The BJP leader questioned the Congress leadership’s decision to link Telangana with Rajiv Gandhi. He reminded that it was under pressure from Rajiv Gandhi’s family that Hyderabad State was merged with Andhra Pradesh. He also accused the Rajiv family of suppressing the Telangana movement in 1969 and 1979. Furthermore, he criticized former Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, accusing her of betraying the people by not delivering on her promise to create a separate Telangana State in 2004.
Dr. Srinivas also highlighted the growing number of atrocities against women in the state and the struggles of students due to a lack of basic amenities in State universities, which are operating without vice-chancellors.