Hyderabad: Police and Civil Supplies officials have arrested three people for illegally procuring and selling PDS rice. They seized 28 quintals of PDS rice worth about Rs 72,774 from them.
The raid took place at a fair price ration shop located at Hassan Nagar, Bahadurpura. The accused were colluding with ration shop dealers to get PDS rice illegally and then selling it to a main transporter for easy money.
The arrested individuals are Mir Mehraj Ali Hashmi (36), Syed Hamed (39), and Syed Shaki Hashmi (34). Two others, Syed Ataur Rahman and Mateen, are still at large.
Police revealed that Mehraj and PDS dealer Hamed planned to collect the rice from the shop and sell it to main transporter Mateen at a higher price. Mehraj had been selling rice directly from ration shops to Hamed for a long time.
On Monday, after receiving a tip-off, the Task Force team and Civil Supplies officials raided the shop and apprehended the accused.