Former minister Mohammed Ali Shabbir spoke out against Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday, criticizing Shah for calling the 4% Muslim reservation in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh unconstitutional. Shabbir Ali and Hyderabad DCC president Sameer Waliullah held a press conference at Gandhi Bhavan to address the issue. Shabbir Ali argued that the 4% Muslim reservation was not based on religion, but rather on social and economic status. The reservation covers 14 castes among Muslims that have been identified as economically and socially backward by a Backward Classes Commission.
Shabbir Ali emphasized that the 4% Muslim reservation was provided without cutting any other community’s quota. He also noted that a separate law was passed by the Andhra Pradesh Assembly to implement the reservation. Shabbir Ali shared copies of GO Ms No 23 and the Gazette Notification issued on July 7, 2007, which showed that the Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Commission had recommended the creation of a separate category ‘E’ among BCs.
Shabbir Ali argued that the 4% quota is being enjoyed by the poorest of poor among Muslims. He criticized Amit Shah for not understanding the difference between what is constitutional and unconstitutional. Shabbir Ali’s condemnation comes after Amit Shah’s recent visit to Hyderabad, during which he made controversial statements about the Muslim reservation.