In Hyderabad, a special event was organized at Nehru Zoological Park to celebrate World Elephant Day on August 12. This day is dedicated to appreciating elephants and ensuring they live in environments where they are not exploited but cared for and protected.
The zoo took the lead in hosting this international event, emphasizing the need for elephant conservation. A special feast was prepared for the park’s four Asian elephants: Vanaja, Asha, Sita, and Vijay. This feast included a variety of treats like green salad, jaggery, mixed fruits with sugarcane, and coconuts.
Dr. Sunil S Hiremath, the zoo director and curator, shared that World Elephant Day is celebrated every August to highlight the significance of elephants. He mentioned that elephants are the largest land mammals, and the zoo takes pride in providing them with a spacious 10-acre enclosure, complete with features like a swimming pool, mud bath, and shower bath facility. He also noted that all the elephants relished the special meal served in their enclosures.
In addition to this celebration, the zoo also organizes Eco-Days to raise awareness about wildlife conservation among the public.
Dr. Sunil expressed his gratitude to the Feed Store Team, led by Bhushan Manjula, and the dedicated elephant caretakers, including K Raja Kumar, Venkat Rao, Fayaz, Shafi, Abdullah, and Uday, for their exceptional efforts in arranging the event.