A tragic incident took place in the NTR district of Andhra Pradesh, where an 8-year-old girl from Visannapeta was allegedly raped, tortured, and harassed by a 22-year-old man. The man, identified as Thota Chandu, reportedly claimed to be in love with the girl. The victim’s family has lodged a complaint with the police.
The young girl was staying in a hostel in Tiruvuru. Chandu, who is from the same village as the girl, had been following her for some time. On August 10, despite the girl rejecting his advances, Chandu allegedly harassed and raped her.
After the horrifying incident, the girl shared her ordeal with her family. The next day, a village meeting was held to address the issue, but it failed to resolve the matter. As a result, the family decided to approach the authorities and filed a complaint at the Tiruvuru Police Station. The complaint also mentioned two of Chandu’s friends who allegedly helped him.
Tiruvuru Circle Inspector K Giribabu has registered a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, and an investigation is currently underway.