In Moinabad, people celebrated the birth anniversary of Acharya Kothapalli Jayashankar, known as the father of Telangana. Jayashankar was a key figure in the Telangana movement and inspired many with his vision for the region’s future.
The 90th birth anniversary event was organized at Moinabad Square by the Vishwa Brahman Vishwakarma Sangam. TRS state leaders, including Kompalli Anantha Reddy and Mandal Vishwakarma President Santosh Chari, spoke about Jayashankar’s important role in the struggle for Telangana statehood and how he helped achieve the aspirations of Telangana’s people.
During the event, attendees paid tribute to Jayashankar by placing flowers at his statue in the mandal center. Notable participants included state leaders from the BRS party, former sub-sarpanch of Ajith Nagar Srinivas Reddy, and various presidents and vice-presidents of the Mandal VishwaBrahmana Vishwakarma.
The event was well-attended, with former presidents Krishnamachari, secretaries Venkatesh Chari, Ramesh Chari, former sarpanch Bhaskar Chari, Srinivasa Chari, and Chinnaiah Chari also present to honor Jayashankar’s legacy.