Hyderabad’s Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, took part in an important event on Sunday. He laid the foundation stone for a 430-foot Hare Krishna Heritage Tower at Kokapet in Hyderabad.
Revanth Reddy expressed his gratitude for being given the opportunity to lay the foundation stone. He described it as a privilege and a once-in-a-lifetime chance provided by Lord Krishna. The Chief Minister said he was fortunate to be the chief guest at such a significant occasion.
The Heritage Tower, according to Revanth Reddy, will offer spiritual teachings in Kokapet, which he referred to as a “concrete jungle.” He believes that the tower will become a source of pride for Telangana. He also mentioned that the construction is expected to be completed in 36 to 40 months, giving him another opportunity to feel blessed when he inaugurates it.
Revanth Reddy further shared that the government is focusing on improving education and healthcare. He requested the Hare Krishna Foundation to provide food for patients and their attendants in hospitals such as Osmania, Gandhi, NIMS, and Cancer Hospitals. The government, he assured, will offer all the necessary support for this noble cause.