Chief Minister K. Revanth Reddy has taken a strong stand against illegal constructions and encroachments on public lands in Andhra Pradesh. He made it clear that his government will not tolerate any violations, no matter who is responsible.
Revanth Reddy compared the government’s fight against illegal activities to the Kurukshetra battle, a significant event from the epic Mahabharata. He stated, “Just like the Kurukshetra war, we will not spare anyone involved in illegal constructions or those who occupy lakes and public lands unlawfully.”
His comments highlight the government’s commitment to enforcing rules and protecting public property. The administration is determined to preserve and manage public resources properly, showing a zero-tolerance approach towards those who break the law.
This strong stance from the Chief Minister is expected to lead to more vigilance and action against those who violate land use regulations. Revanth Reddy’s statements suggest a significant effort to uphold legal standards and maintain the integrity of public spaces across the state.