P Vijaya Reddy, the Congress candidate of Khairatabad Constituency, recently organized a program in Khairatabad to explain the 6 guarantee cards to the people. The event took place in front of 40 MS Makta Raj Bhavan in Khairatabad. During her speech, Reddy criticized the BRS government for making the people of the state drunkards in two terms. She urged the people to remember this and not be deceived by the government’s promises for votes. Reddy also highlighted the government’s failure to pay salaries to employees on time.
The 6 guarantees released by Sonia Gandhi for the people of Telangana were shared with the attendees through a pamphlet. The program was attended by former corporators of Khairatabad constituency, division presidents, youth congress leaders, NSUI leaders, Congress party leaders, activists, slum dwellers, and women.
[Image: A picture showing the participants of the program]
Congress candidate Vijaya Reddy promotes six guarantees to people in Khairatabad
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