In Hyderabad, the Congress party criticized Union Minister of State Bandi Sanjay for his comments about Rahul Gandhi concerning the situation in Bangladesh. They labeled his statements as irresponsible, especially given the instability in the neighboring country. The Congress party called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to remove Bandi Sanjay from his ministerial position.
G Niranjan, the vice president of the Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC), addressed the media, expressing concern over the developments in Bangladesh. He emphasized that India should play a significant role in resolving the issues there. Niranjan accused the ministers of not taking concrete steps to protect minorities, especially Hindus in Bangladesh, and instead, focusing on communal politics and criticizing opposition leaders.
Niranjan urged the Indian government, under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, to engage with Bangladesh’s interim government to ensure the safety of Hindu minorities. He warned that the situation could worsen if officials like Bandi Sanjay, who lack understanding of international relations, continue to make uninformed statements. Niranjan called for the Prime Minister to take action against Bandi Sanjay by removing him from his ministerial role due to his inappropriate remarks on international matters.