In Hyderabad, KT Rama Rao, the working president of BRS, raised questions about the Congress party’s inconsistent stance on the Adani-SEBI allegations. He specifically highlighted the issues mentioned in the Hindenburg report.
Rao accused the Congress of having a contradictory approach. While the Congress is protesting against Adani at the national level, in Telangana, the government is welcoming the company enthusiastically. He criticized Rahul Gandhi for this perceived hypocrisy, questioning if there are different policies for the national and state levels.
He pointed out that while the Congress is demanding a Joint Parliamentary Committee to investigate the Adani-SEBI allegations and organizing protests nationwide, in Telangana, the Congress Chief Minister is welcoming Adani. The CM is even allowing Adani to take over the electricity distribution system.
Rao challenged Rahul Gandhi to explain how the Congress can claim Adani is harmful to the country while justifying its benefits to Telangana.
He demanded an explanation of how Telangana could benefit from something supposedly harmful to the nation. Rao asked Rahul Gandhi directly whether he could stop Adani’s growth in Telangana, challenge the Chief Minister’s actions, or halt Adani’s activities in the state.