The CPI national secretary, Dr K Narayana, is calling for a judicial inquiry into the construction quality of the cable bridge in Karimnagar city. He wants a criminal case to be filed against the contractor involved. Along with other CPI members, Narayana inspected the bridge and found cracks and deterioration in the asphalt road, as well as the failure of check dams in the Maneru river front within a year. Narayana is concerned about the safety of people visiting the bridge, as it is a popular attraction. He believes that if the quality of the construction is compromised, there could be a risk of accidents and loss of lives. CPI member Chada Venkata Reddy questioned Minister Kamalkar about the lack of quality in the bridge works. Various CPI district executive members and council members were also present during the inspection.
CPI calls for investigation into cable bridge construction project
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