The 78th Independence Day was celebrated enthusiastically at the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate Parade grounds on August 15, 2024. The event was led by Avinash Mohanty, the Cyberabad Police Commissioner, who hoisted the national flag. This act honored the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for India’s independence.
In his speech, Commissioner Mohanty wished everyone a happy Independence Day. He spoke about the tremendous sacrifices made by many great individuals that have given us the freedom we enjoy today. He encouraged everyone to take inspiration from these sacrifices and to move forward with determination and commitment.
The Commissioner highlighted the important role of the police in maintaining law and order, protecting national unity, and serving the public. He urged police officers to work towards social harmony and peace and to strive for the betterment of society. He also praised the Cyberabad Police for their outstanding work in maintaining peace and providing excellent services to the community.
During the event, 15 officers were awarded the Uttam Seva Pathakam for their exceptional service on Telangana Formation Day 2024. Additionally, 8 officers received medals for their outstanding performance on various occasions.
The celebration was attended by several high-ranking officials, including Cyberabad Jt. CP (Traffic) D. Joel Davis, IPS, and other prominent officers and staff from various departments within the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate.