Kolanpaka (Yadadri-Bhongir): Governor Jishnu Dev Varma recently visited the Kolanupaka Jain Temple. He received a warm welcome from several important officials, including Government Whip and Aleru MLA Beerla Ilaiah, Bhongir MP C Kiran Kumar Reddy, Collector Hanumanthu K Jandage, and Deputy Police Commissioner Rajesh Chandra.
During his visit to Kolanpaka, the Governor also went to the Sri Someshwara Swamy temple. He took part in the Abhisheka Puja, a special prayer ritual. The Governor was greeted by Vedic scholars and temple priests, who welcomed him with a Purna Kumbham, a traditional gesture of respect.
Before entering the temple, local women welcomed the Governor with traditional dances such as Bathukammas, Bonalu, and Kolatam, adding to the cultural significance of the visit.