Sri Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy, IPS, the Commissioner of Police for Hyderabad City, recently held a meeting with the Central Peace and Welfare Committee. The meeting took place at the TGC&CC in Banjara Hills. The main purpose of this gathering was to ensure the peaceful conduct of the upcoming Ganesh festival and Milad-Un-Nabi celebrations.
Several senior police officers were present at the meeting. These included Sri Vikram Singh Mann, IPS, the Additional Commissioner of Police for Law and Order in Hyderabad, who also serves as the chairman of the Central Peace and Welfare Committee. Other important attendees were Sri P. Viswa Prasad, IPS, Additional Commissioner of Police for Traffic, and Sri S. Chaitanya Kumar, IPS, the Deputy Commissioner of Police for Special Branch. Additionally, Ms. Sneha Mehra, IPS, the DCP of South Zone, as well as other senior police officials, also participated in the event.
The meeting was attended by about 350 members of the Peace Committee and 70 police officers. During the discussion, the Commissioner of Police sought the cooperation of the committee members to maintain peace in the city. He emphasized the importance of continuing their hard work to uphold the city’s reputation and ensure the successful completion of the upcoming festivals and events.
In response, the Peace and Welfare Committee assured the police of their full support. They expressed their commitment to not only ensure the peaceful conduct of the upcoming festivals but also to help in controlling other anti-social activities in the community.