A young animal lover named Ishika Ranjan celebrated her 20th birthday in a special way by adopting a Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros. She visited Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad with her family, including her grandmother, and handed over a cheque for Rs 1 lakh to Dr. Sunil S Hiremath, the director of the zoo, as part of the adoption process.
During her visit, Ishika also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the adoption program. She, along with her family, toured the zoo and visited various animal enclosures, including those of the elephants and rhinoceroses. They were impressed by the health and maintenance of the animals.
Dr. Sunil provided detailed information about the zoo’s operations and upkeep to Ishika’s father, Jayesh Ranjan, who is the Special Chief Secretary of ITE&C and Industries & Commerce. He expressed satisfaction with the work being done at the zoo.
Ishika and her family have a deep passion for wildlife. She chose to adopt the Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros, which is an endangered species, as a way to contribute to conservation efforts. She recalled memories from previous visits to the zoo and noted that the zoo has made significant improvements, competing with other zoos both nationally and globally.
Ishika encouraged fellow citizens to get involved in wildlife conservation by adopting animals or donating to the zoo. The zoo offers adoption opportunities for various animals, ranging from one day to a full year.
Dr. Sunil expressed his gratitude to Ishika and her family for their support of the animal adoption program and for raising awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.