Hyderabad: On Sunday, members of various Hindu organizations gathered to hold a rally called the “Hindu Akrosh Rally.” The rally began at the Bal Gangadhar Tilak statue in Koti and ended at the Veer Savarkar statue at Kacheguda Crossroads. The purpose of the rally was to protest against the violence and persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh by extremist groups.
The rally saw a massive turnout, with over 3,000 activists and supporters marching under the banner of the Samastha Hindu Samaj. Participants carried placards and shouted slogans condemning the harassment of Hindu minorities in Bangladesh. They urged the Indian government to take immediate action and send a strong message to Bangladesh to stop the atrocities against Hindus.
Leaders of the Samastha Hindu Samaj said they have already started a mass signature campaign. The signatures collected will be sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asking him to take swift and effective measures to protect Hindus in Bangladesh.
Kamlesh Ji Maharaj, a board member of the TTD Dharma Rakshana Vedika, strongly condemned the violent attacks on Hindus. He called on all Hindus, regardless of their political beliefs, to unite and support the Hindu minority in Bangladesh. He expressed hope that the government of Bangladesh, led by Professor Yunus, would take immediate steps to protect Hindu lives and properties.
Kamlesh Ji Maharaj also highlighted the dire situation many Hindus are facing in Bangladesh. He mentioned that thousands have been forced to flee their homes, while many others remain trapped in dangerous situations. He demanded justice for the Hindus in Bangladesh and called for urgent action to ensure their safety.