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    HomeTelanganaKarunakar Reddy calls for saving the River Krishna

    Karunakar Reddy calls for saving the River Krishna

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    Karunakar Reddy, the founder of Walk for Water, recently emphasized the importance of saving the Krishna river. He performed a religious ceremony with farmers near Rangapur to protect the river, which is facing severe drought this year. Reddy hopes to involve 40 lakh people in the next decade to promote water conservation and ensure the river’s future sustainability.

    During the ceremony on Vaisakh Shuddha Poornima and Buddha Poornima, Reddy stressed the need for collective action to save the Krishna river. He urged farmers and others to join hands in protecting every drop of water. Through the formation of farmers’ committees, Reddy plans to educate and engage people in water conservation efforts.

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    Reddy’s ultimate goal is to ensure that the Krishna river remains healthy and abundant for generations to come. By mobilizing a large number of people, he hopes to create a lasting impact on water conservation and sustainability.

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    Rajesh M
    Rajesh M
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