Home Minister Md Mahmood Ali and Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar were felicitated by BRS followers in Hanumakonda on Tuesday. Ali spoke at a meeting organized by Vinay Bhaskar and stated that the Congress and Telugu Desam parties did nothing for the Muslims. He claimed that the KCR Government has been working for the welfare of minorities by establishing residential schools and implementing the Shadi Mubarak scheme.
Ali dismissed allegations of a nexus between BRS and BJP, calling them baseless. He also announced that if the BRS Government is re-elected, they will implement an exclusive plan for minorities with an estimated cost of Rs 5,000.
Vinay Bhaskar, who is seeking re-election from the Warangal West constituency, expressed his gratitude towards the Muslim fraternity for their support throughout his political career. He emphasized that he respects all religions equally and accused the opposition of spreading lies to tarnish his image.
Ali and Vinay invited around 300 people to join BRS by offering them party scarves. Other notable attendees at the event included Telangana Khadi Board chairman Maulana Yousuf Zaheed, Md Kuddus, and Warangal West constituency in-charge T Janardhan Goud.