Mulugu: Panchayati Raj Minister D. Anasuya Seethakka attended the 374th birth anniversary celebrations of Sardar Sarvai Papanna Goud on Sunday. The event took place at the Mulugu Collectorate Conference Hall.
During the event, Seethakka, along with District Collector Divakar TS, paid their respects by garlanding the portrait of Papanna Goud. They also lit a lamp to officially inaugurate the celebration.
Seethakka expressed her pride in the State government for celebrating Papanna Goud’s birth anniversary officially for the first time. She highlighted the importance of remembering the sacrifices and life stories of great individuals.
The Minister shared a powerful message, stating, “If you work for yourself, it stays with you, but if you work for the people, you remain in their hearts.” She further explained that Sardar Sarvai Papanna, who was born in Khilashapur village in the Jangaon area of the former Warangal district, was a cattle herder who bravely stood up against the tyranny of kings and fought for collective rights. His life, she said, serves as a model for resisting injustices.
As part of the event, Seethakka also presented 100 protective shields to toddy tappers (Kallu Geeta workers). Additionally, she tied a Rakhi to the collector and extended her best wishes.