The Pattana Pragathi program was launched on Friday in Ameerpet, Hyderabad as part of Telangana Formation Day celebrations. Minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani Srinivas Yadav and Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari flagged off the rally by sanitation workers and also inaugurated the Ward Office. The officials will provide eleven urban services, including electricity, water supply, entomology, and community ward from the Ward Office. This will enable people to get their basic problems resolved without going to the head office or zonal office.
Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari said that Pattana Pragathi is being celebrated across all the 142 Urban local bodies of the Telangana State. The achievements of the State government during the last nine years in the field of urban development will be discussed on this day. Rapid urbanization has necessitated special development programs to cater to the needs of the urban populace.
The State government had embarked upon major infrastructure development by building roads, flyovers, improving drainage systems, increasing urban greenery, providing safe drinking water, etc. The government has also focused on the need for decentralized administration and as a result, the Ward Office system has been brought in under which all the basic urban services will function from one office under a ward administrative officer.
The Chief Secretary complimented the senior citizens of the ward for taking up various social activities voluntarily and urged the youth to get inspired by the elderly and take up similar activities for the betterment of society. She also appealed to the people to be more responsible and reduce use of plastics to protect the environment.
Later, the Chief Secretary felicitated the sanitary workers and gave away certificates. Zonal Commissioner Ravikiran and other officials were also present. Earlier, Chief Secretary Shanthi Kumari visited the Balkampet temple and offered prayers to the Goddess, accompanied by Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav.